US Focus:
International Focus:
- American National Election Study
- The American National Election Study (ANES) creates high-quality data based on surveys concerning voting, public opinion, and political participation. ANES’s goal is to provide informed explanations about election outcomes in the country.
- General Social Survey:
- The General Social Survey is a study designed to monitor the attitudes, trends, and behaviors of American society. Covering a wide variety of issues like the national spending priorities, crime and punishment, intergroup relations, and confidence in institutions, the General Social Survey aids in advocating on behalf of the voices within the United States.
- The Colorado Political Climate Survey:
- The Colorado Political Climate Survey is an ongoing survey research project administered by UC Boulder. As their website states: "The Colorado Political Climate (CPC) survey is an annual nonpartisan poll of Colorado residents that serves as an ongoing record of opinion on public affairs within the state. Conducted every October, the CPC is intended to gauge “the pulse of Colorado” with respect to state and national issues, elected officials, and a broad spectrum of political characteristics. The CPC is designed and implemented by students and faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder, and thus serves as a unique teaching tool across a variety of disciplines."
- The Colorado Political Climate Survey is an ongoing survey research project administered by UC Boulder. As their website states: "The Colorado Political Climate (CPC) survey is an annual nonpartisan poll of Colorado residents that serves as an ongoing record of opinion on public affairs within the state. Conducted every October, the CPC is intended to gauge “the pulse of Colorado” with respect to state and national issues, elected officials, and a broad spectrum of political characteristics. The CPC is designed and implemented by students and faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder, and thus serves as a unique teaching tool across a variety of disciplines."
- Cooperative Congressional Election Study
- The Cooperative Congressional Election Survey (CCES) is an online survey provided before and after the midterm elections within the United States, ranging from 2006 to the present year. The survey also highlights what the major interests were in each election.
- National State and Primary Election Exit Polls:
- The Democracy Voter Study Group is a research collaboration that helps examine the views of American voters. After 2016, it was clear that the American opinions were misunderstood at the polls. As a result, several publications and data sources are posted explaining the National State and Primary Election Poll outcomes.
- National Annenberg Election Survey (NAES) or
- The National Annenberg Election Survey (NAES) is one of the largest academic public opinion surveys given during US presidential elections. The NAES covers the political attitudes of candidates, issues, campaign dynamics, and traits Americans want in a President during the elections of 2000, 2004, and 2008. It also shares the impacts and effects of media exposure during political campaign commercials as well as the news ads shared on radios, televisions, newspapers, and more.
- Democracy Fund / YouGove VOTER Surveys:
- The Democracy Fund survey is a resource that strives to strengthen the nation’s democracy. Starting in 2016 and spanning until July 2019, the Democracy Fund Survey provides information about voting participation within the United States to help aid people in becoming more interested and engaged in civic participation.
- Pew:
- The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan archive that helps to inform the public about issues, attitudes and trends impacting the world. The Pew Research Center conducts public opinion polls, demographic research, and data analysis without taking a political position.
- Gallup:
- Gallup is an American company with the mission to inform leaders and organizations in order to help them address their most pressing problems with the help of their public opinion polls. These surveys cover a range of US topics including opinions about the government, trust levels, presidential approval ratings, economic confidence, priorities in spending, and more.
- AP-NORC Polls:
- AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research is a research organization that provides objective, reliable, and unbiased journalism. With its expertise, AP-NORC provides a breath of research, both domestically and internationally, including topics like civil liberties, economics, education, the environment, governments, health, inequality, religion, and more.
- RAND American Life Panel Survey:
- RAND American Life Panel is a representative, probability-based panel of over 6,000 members across the country (18 and older) who are regularly surveyed to help improve policy and decision making. Through this research, information like household demographics, life satisfaction, social security, health, wellbeing, elections, finances, presidential polling, retirement, and more are all addressed.
- Colorado Political Climate Survey:
- The Colorado Political Climate (CPC) survey is a nonpartisan public affairs opinion poll of Colorado residents. In this survey, the CPC questions citizens about state and national issues, current elected officials, and other political characteristics that is key to gauge the political stance of this battleground state.
- Annenberg Civics Knowledge Survey:
- The Annenberg Civics Knowledge Survey is a poll given to American citizens, focused on the depth of the public’s understanding of the US Constitution. Ultimately, the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) wants to release research to highlight the discrepancy between the public and its knowledge concerning politics within the United States.
International Focus:
- World Values Survey:
- The World Values Survey (WVS) is a global network of social scientists studying changing values. With special attention to how values are impacting social and political life, this survey, since 1981, seeks to use the most high-quality research questionnaires that will be representative of the 90 percent of the world’s population’s beliefs, values, and motivations.
- European Values Study:
- The European Values Study (EVS) is a large-scale, cross-national survey that focuses on the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values and opinions of citizens across Europe. With insights into family, work, environment, perceptions of life, politics and society, religion and morality, and national identity, the EVS covers a wide range of topics concerning human values since 1981.
- European Social Survey:
- The European Social Survey (ESS) is a cross-national survey conducted across Europe since 2001. Every other year, face to face interviews are conducted to measure the populations’ attitudes, beliefs, and behavior patterns to track stability, social conditions, social progress, and more of over 30 European countries.
- Barometer Polls
- Latinobarometro:
- The LatinoBarometer is an annual study that publishes the attitudes of the public towards democracy, institutional trust, the economy, corruption, and more within Latin American countries. Like other regional barometers created, this public opinion survey involves 18 Latin American countries representing over 600 million people.
- Latinobarometro:
- Asian Barometer:
- The Asian Barometer Survey (ABS) is a research program that strives to gauge public opinion on political values, democracy, and governance across Asia. This research project evaluates 13 different East Asian states (including Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and more) and 5 South Asian countries (including India, Pakistan, Nepal, and more).
- AfroBarometer:
- The AfroBarometer measures the social, political, and economic atmosphere of over 30 African countries through interviews, questionnaires, and surveys. It is a comparative series of public attitudes that assesses citizens thoughts about democracy and governance, markets, and civil society since 1999.
- LAPOP - Latin American Public Opinion Project:
- LAPOP, or the Latin American Public Opinion Project, has one of the largest survey research projects, called America’s Barometer. As a periodic study of 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere since 2004, this national representative questionnaire questions citizens about corruption, religion, state constitutions, courts, safety, education, labor, taxes, and more.
- Metapolls:
- The Metapolls is organization focused on international voting intention trends within global elections. Through these polls, intentions of populations can systematically track the political situation in a country and predict election outcomes. Monitoring over 30 countries, Metapolls does not only focus on current first-order elections (parliamentary or presidential) but also referendums, local government elections, and elections for the European Parliament.
- Princeton University Library political opinion and survey data sources overview:
- The Princeton University Library is the source for all United States and international public opinion results, with special attention to political topics. Covering both national topics (public opinion archives, US political opinion sources, and nationwide and regional population polls) and international public opinion (global opinions, European opinions, and more), this is a central source with high-value, in-depth information.